Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Brother, My Heart

I am proud to say I spent this past weekend on my Butz in front of the fireplace doing nothing but watching TV and catching up on my Sports Illustrated reading. Good Times!!
That’s when I came across an article comparing Thomas and Julius Jones. They are brothers that both play in the NFL. I’m not sure why I found this so interesting – maybe it’s because I respect both of their abilities on the field. Maybe it’s because I am always intrigued by siblings in the same sport professionally – what jersey does mom wear on game day? I always wondered how hard I would actually hit my own brother if we were ever on the field for opposite teams. My guess is as hard as it takes! …But not too hard to get mama angry!

In this article, the writer asked each of them 9 questions about the other brother, and one of the answers summed up everything I feel about mine.
1. Vitals – I would say my brother is 36 very tall, average weight, slightly balding, and played varsity tennis in high school. He would say I am 32; average height and weight (5’7” 142 lbs.) crazy blond hair and I played professional women’s football for three years.
2. 2007 Earnings - As we are not professional athletes we do not have to publicly note our earnings – we would both say that the other is comfortable.
3. Cost of bobble head on Ebay – Both would have to answer $0.00 – though I think he would proudly add a “stay tuned” to my bobble head price.
4. Big Game – I would say his big game is every day trying to raise two kids. He would say my big game was winning the first NWFL championship game in 2001.
5. I’m better than my brother/sister because – Clearly my brother’s answer would match Thomas Jones’ answer of “I am older and wiser.” I would have to say I am better because my shirt says “Mom likes me best.”
6. He/She is better than me because – I would say he is a more sincere person and has better knees. I think he would say I take more risks to achieve my goals. Thanks bro!
7. My brother/sister is secretly afraid of – This is where my answer would match Thomas Jones’ in that my brother is also afraid of spiders. I think my brother would hesitate on this one, as my list is surprisingly long. But I know he would include being in the dark, lightning, and sharks.
8. Who wins a fight – I would say I do and he would agree.
9. Why I love him – I’m not sure what my brother’s answer would be, I know he loves me and he is proud of me, but I won’t begin to put words in his mouth on this one. My answer – would be the same as Julius Jones’ answer – the answer that has stuck with me for four days. An answer that is so simple and yet so brilliant. I love my brother because he’s my heart.

I do love my brother that deeply and with that much of me. The reasons for this love grow everyday. I love him for spending time with me as a child, teaching me to throw a football with the most perfect spiral, teaching me to ride a bike and to drive. I love him for his strength and courage in helping our mom, a single mom, raise me. I love him for being the peacemaker when I was an out of control, never wrong, teenager. I love him for giving me money to pay for a new engine in my car. I love him for being the father figure in my life and for being the amazing father he is to his kids. I love the way he loves our mom and his family. I love him for accepting me, as I am, tattooed, pierced, and gay. He has made me who I am and he continues to push me and encourage me. I will never fall as long as he is behind me. When I think of him I smile.
I love my brother Paul, because he is my heart.